Michele Pilla

Michele "Mike J." Pilla is an Italian journalist. In 2018, together with Luigi Liberti, he founded "Patrimonio Italiano Tv", a TV channel for Italians abroad, thanks to which he came into contact with many wonderful and very heterogeneous realities, held together by the fantastic glue that is Italianity. In 2018 the TV received in New York the prestigious "Citation" from the President of Borough of Brooklyn, Eric Adams.

On Friday, June 14, 2019, the RIM Junior 2018-2019 (Rapporto Italiani nel Mondo) was presented in the Refectory Room of the Chamber of Deputies in Rome. It is a sort of "younger brother" of the extraordinary volume that is the Rapporto Italiani nel Mondo (Report on Italians in the World), with which every year the Migrantes Foundation collects, ana...